Category: Nahua (Aztecs)

500 ára farsótt Asteka af völdum salmonellu

Mynd: EPA   Vísndamenn telja sig loks hafa fundið orsök þess að nærri öll Astekaþjóðin þurrkaðist út á einu strái. Faraldur sem hófst árið 1545 varð á endanum um 15 milljónum manna að bana á þeim fimm árum sem hann gekk yfir þjóðina.  … Continue Reading “500 ára farsótt Asteka af völdum salmonellu”

Huēyi Teōcalli (Templo Mayor)

Mexico, Mexico. 3. May, 2017. One must have an active imagination and previous knowledge of the Aztec (Mexica) capital Tenochtitlán, to recreate in the mind how it’s major temple complexe, Huēyi Teōcalli, called Templo Mayor today, must have looked like in pre-Hispanic times. With… Continue Reading “Huēyi Teōcalli (Templo Mayor)”

Mexico City y Tenochtitlán

Mexico City, Mexico. 1. May, 2017. The site of Mexico City is the ancient Aztec capital of Tenochtitlán. What a splendid city that must have been! The modern city of Mexico definitely has it’s charm however. Our accommodations is a B&B at a place… Continue Reading “Mexico City y Tenochtitlán”